JPG vs. WebP: A Comparison of Image Formats for the Modern Web

JPG vs. WebP: A Comparison of Image Formats for the Modern Web

Enhance website performance with the right image format. Compare JPG and WebP in terms of features, compatibility, and performance.

Posted by Joe Dodds on May 4, 2023

Title: JPG vs. WebP: A Comparison of Image Formats for the Modern Web


As the internet continues to evolve, the importance of optimizing website performance and user experience has never been greater. One essential aspect of this optimization is the choice of image formats. In this article, we will compare two popular image formats – JPG and WebP – examining their features, compatibility, and performance to determine which one is better suited for the modern web.

1. Overview of JPG

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a widely-used image format that has been around since the early 1990s. It is a lossy compression format, which means that some image data is discarded during compression to reduce the file size. However, this loss in quality can be adjusted, allowing for a balance between file size and image quality. JPEG is supported by virtually all web browsers and image-editing software. Learn more about JPEG on the official JPEG website.

2. Overview of WebP

WebP is a relatively new image format developed by Google, which aims to provide better compression and quality than traditional formats like JPG and PNG. It supports both lossy and lossless compression, as well as transparency and animations. While its adoption is growing, WebP is not yet as universally supported as JPG, with some web browsers and image-editing software still lacking native support. Discover more about WebP on the Google Developers website.

3. Compression and Image Quality

WebP has been designed to provide superior compression compared to JPG, which can result in smaller file sizes without a significant loss in quality. According to Google, WebP lossy images are typically 25-34% smaller in size than their equivalent JPG images at a similar quality level. Additionally, WebP's lossless compression can achieve 26% better compression than PNG.

Smaller file sizes translate to faster loading times and reduced bandwidth usage, which is beneficial for both website owners and users, especially on mobile devices or in areas with limited internet connectivity. Learn more about image optimization from this Google Web Fundamentals guide.

4. Transparency and Animation Support

While JPG does not support transparency or animations, WebP has built-in support for both. This feature allows WebP to replace not only JPG but also GIF and PNG formats in various use cases, offering a more comprehensive solution for different types of images.

5. Compatibility

One of the main drawbacks of WebP is its limited compatibility compared to JPG. While major web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge support WebP, Safari only added support in 2020, and some older browsers may still lack native support. Additionally, not all image-editing software offers full WebP support, which can hinder its adoption.

However, with the growing importance of website performance, more web browsers and tools are expected to include WebP support in the future. Check out this WebP browser support table on Can I Use.


When comparing JPG and WebP, it is clear that WebP offers significant advantages in terms of compression, image quality, and features. Its smaller file sizes can lead to faster loading times and improved user experience, while its support for transparency and animations make it a versatile choice.

However, the lack of universal compatibility may limit the adoption of WebP for some users. As a website owner or designer, it is essential to consider your target audience and their web browsing habits before choosing an image format. In many cases, implementing both formats and serving the appropriate one based on the user's browser capabilities can be an effective solution.

As WebP support continues to grow, it is likely to become the preferred choice for the modern web. In the meantime, JPG remains a reliable and widely-supported option.

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